is a voluntary not-for-profit association founded in 2013, as a logical development of the Committee promoting the Regional Law of popular initiative on "Culture and diffusion of solar energy in Campania " . On this Bill the Committee raised nearly 20,000 signatures from across the Campania Region and this project - after meetings , events and hearings in Regional Committees - was unanimously approved by the Regional Council of Campania, so becoming the Campania’s Regional Law no. 1/2013. The following regional and national organizations - over the founding members of the former Committee - have so far joined our Network, that is open to contributions from groups and individuals: LEGAMBIENTE Campania – V.A.S.(GREENS ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIETY) Campania – FEDERCONSUMATORI Campania - ISDE -DOCTORS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Campania - Cultural Center THE CITY OF THE SUN Naples - APS PER.SUD – R.C.N. (NAPLES' CIVIC NETWORK)- CAMPANIA’S COMMITTEE FOR PUBLIC WATER – CAMPANIA’S CITIZENS FOR AN ALTERNATIVE PLAN OF WASTE . The President of the Network is Ermete Ferraro, one of the co-founders of the Promoting Committee of the Bill and a long time social ecologist.
is a voluntary not-for-profit association founded in 2013, as a logical development of the Committee promoting the Regional Law of popular initiative on "Culture and diffusion of solar energy in Campania " . On this Bill the Committee raised nearly 20,000 signatures from across the Campania Region and this project - after meetings , events and hearings in Regional Committees - was unanimously approved by the Regional Council of Campania, so becoming the Campania’s Regional Law no. 1/2013. The following regional and national organizations - over the founding members of the former Committee - have so far joined our Network, that is open to contributions from groups and individuals: LEGAMBIENTE Campania – V.A.S.(GREENS ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIETY) Campania – FEDERCONSUMATORI Campania - ISDE -DOCTORS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Campania - Cultural Center THE CITY OF THE SUN Naples - APS PER.SUD – R.C.N. (NAPLES' CIVIC NETWORK)- CAMPANIA’S COMMITTEE FOR PUBLIC WATER – CAMPANIA’S CITIZENS FOR AN ALTERNATIVE PLAN OF WASTE . The President of the Network is Ermete Ferraro, one of the co-founders of the Promoting Committee of the Bill and a long time social ecologist.
VISION & MISSION > 1 ) The choice for the Campania Region of solar energy and renewables in general ; 2 ) the protection of the natural heritage of the Campania and the indispensable protection of Biodiversity, in its many forms , 3) the spread of the philosophy of the sun and of planning instruments to ecologically manage the territory, with respect to its " multiple functions", 4) the dissemination of an interdisciplinary culture, focused on the " Civilization of the Sun", 5) the promotion of a technological development aimed at the diffusion of solar energy and at a new and alternative energy model, as a basic reference for a new job; 6 ) the activation of all initiatives to give Campania a core function of promoting the culture of the Sun, strictly related to cooperation and peace in the Mediterranean basin; 7 ) the dissemination between citizens of the "Civilization of the Sun" , as a new way of thinking and relating to the energy model and, more generally, as an alternative "way of life " for every person, to be pursued in cooperation with other associations and institutions .
The CNCSB is organized in thematic working groups and have regular group meetings. In these months of activity, our Association was actively engaged in dialogue with the institutions involved in the implementation of the R.L. no. 1/2013 ( from the Campania Regional Government to the Naples City Administration and ANCI-National Association of Italian Cities) and with other national and international organizations dealing with renewable energy and biodiversity. After several meetings in Naples and a conference at the " Parthenope" University of Naples , the CNCSB has participated in various seminars (including one of the ANCI in Herculaneum and one at a social centre of the City of Salerno) and has organized the 1st Regional Conference on Municipal Solar Energy Plans , held on 12.10.2013 in Sorrento (Naples), under the auspices of that municipal administration. The CNCSB is now organizing a Regional Conference about new job opportunities in a green economy based on solar energy.
JOIN US TO BUILD THE 'CIVILIZATION OF THE SUN' . --> For further information about CNCSB and the way to join us, please go to the page COSA PUOI FARE of this website. You can also send an e-mail to: [email protected] or fill out the message form below .
JOIN US TO BUILD THE 'CIVILIZATION OF THE SUN' . --> For further information about CNCSB and the way to join us, please go to the page COSA PUOI FARE of this website. You can also send an e-mail to: [email protected] or fill out the message form below .
1 - ERMETE FERRARO, President 2 - PAOLA SILVI, Vice President BOARD OF DIRECTORS 3- AGAPITO DI TOMMASO 4 - ANNAMARIA ESPOSITO 5 - GIANNI GRASSO ( Legambiente "Th. Sankara') 6- NICOLA LAMONICA (Verdi Ambiente e Società- Campania) 7- ANTONIO LOCOTETA 8 - GIUSEPPINA PREZIOSO 9 - CIRO SCAFA 10 - GIANPIERO SEPE 11- ROSARIO STORNAIUOLO (Federconsumatori Campania) ----------------------------------------------------------------- SCIENTIFIC AND LEGAL BOARD OF CONSULTANTS 1- GIOVANNI ALIOTTA (Prof. Ehtnologic Botanic, UniParthenope Na.) 2-UMBERTO AMATO (Chief Researcher, C.N.R. Napoli) 3-GIUSEPPE BUONO (Energy Manager) 4 -MICHELE DI GERIO (Veterinary Surgeon ) 5 -AGAPITO DI TOMMASO (Manager, President apsPERSUD) 6- GIANNI GRASSO (M.D., Environmentalist) 7- LIANA NESTA (Lawier at Naples) 8- GIANPIERO SEPE (Project Manager) |